Political Data Capture
Political Data Capture is a newer product for string logic. Our first attempt at using String Logic to predict a political run was in 2012, String Logic got it right. With our successful 2012 test run, we decided to try it on other races. Again and again String Logic got it right. The rest is history.
Between August and November of 2016, String Logic predicted that Trump would take the White House. Nearly every poll in the United States said otherwise. After posting numbers contrary to standard polling for three months, at 3:22 AM on November 8, 2016 -the day of the election, String Logic’s final prediction was posted on Twitter. It wasn't a set of numbers or operators like we had been posting, it was just one simple sentence. "String Logic predicts that Trump will take the White House...." We didn’t believe it ourselves because we were so far away from the polls but that is where the data took us. That evening, as Trump took state after state, it was clear that String Logic was seeing something that standard polling and other technologies were missing. String Logic has continued to correctly predict every political race run through its logic, including, but not limited to; Barack Obama 2012, Donald Trump 2016, Marsha Blackburn 2018, and Kerry Roberts X 2 2014/2018. Confidential requests are not released. Confidentiality: String Logic can run numbers for any race or candidate (worldwide) with the highest level of confidentiality to clients. PoliticalData@StringLogic.net
Between August and November of 2016, String Logic predicted that Trump would take the White House. Nearly every poll in the United States said otherwise. After posting numbers contrary to standard polling for three months, at 3:22 AM on November 8, 2016 -the day of the election, String Logic’s final prediction was posted on Twitter. It wasn't a set of numbers or operators like we had been posting, it was just one simple sentence. "String Logic predicts that Trump will take the White House...." We didn’t believe it ourselves because we were so far away from the polls but that is where the data took us. That evening, as Trump took state after state, it was clear that String Logic was seeing something that standard polling and other technologies were missing. String Logic has continued to correctly predict every political race run through its logic, including, but not limited to; Barack Obama 2012, Donald Trump 2016, Marsha Blackburn 2018, and Kerry Roberts X 2 2014/2018. Confidential requests are not released. Confidentiality: String Logic can run numbers for any race or candidate (worldwide) with the highest level of confidentiality to clients. PoliticalData@StringLogic.net
- Senator Kerry Roberts
String Logic was an invaluable tool that gave us an understanding of where we were in the 2014/18 races for the Senate. In my arsenal of tools, I would consider string logic to be near the top. As each race came to an end, it was clear that string logic had predicted the outcomes precisely.
String Logic's proprietary human behavior predictors scan the World Wide Web looking for human intent that would otherwise be innocuous but, pulled together, become a very powerful voice of human behavior.
For questions or inquiries about String Logic’s political data capture products, email us that PoliticalData@StringLogic.net