Intellectual Property Retention, Social Engineering Attacks
Who's on the phone?
According to a report published by Cybersecurity Ventures, in 2004, the global cybersecurity market was worth $3.5 billion — and in 2017 it was expected to be worth more than $120 billion.
Companies around the world spend millions every year to protect their computer assets and I.P. from computer-related attacks. Most firms consider external computer hackers to be their largest risk factor but computer-related data breaches are just part of the problem.
Few companies consider the human factor, their employees. It's not a matter of trust, though it can be, it's a matter of training. With many employees working from home due to COVID-19, company assets, Intellectual Property (I.P.) is more vulnerable than ever. It's been given a new name: "Social Engineering Attack."
The issue is access....One way or another, either directly or indirectly, every employee in your firm has access to information that (by itself) may seem innocuous but when pieced together with hours of research, can turn into a serious breach of I.P. and even turn into direct access into internal firewalled systems.
String Logic will help you understand your firm's unique vulnerabilities. We start with an in-depth analysis of your firm from the outside. In effect, your firm is put to the test. Vulnerabilities in Human Capital are identified and captured in a comprehensive report.
String Logic will help you understand your firm's unique vulnerabilities. We start with an in-depth analysis of your firm from the outside. In effect, your firm is put to the test. Vulnerabilities in Human Capital are identified and captured in a comprehensive report.
After the problems are identified, String Logic will go to work with your internal staff to make subtle changes to your infrastructure to close the gaps without impeding day to day operations.
Some Social Engineering Attacks are random but most are not. If you are hit with a high-level Social Engineering Attack you will likely never know it. In short, Social Engineering Attacks are very hard to detect.
High-level Social Engineering Attacks will start with hours of research. The attacker will immerse themselves in information from every available source. By the time the attacker is done, they will look, sound, and feel so much like one of your own employees they will (in effect) become invisible.
Companies invest billions in computer infrastructure and security but never consider Social Engineering, it's like building a fence but giving away free ladders.
It's nothing new. Even the Wright brothers hid their wing designs from their competitors but today competitors and hackers are more clever than ever. Let String Logic plug the holes in the hanger for you.
For more info on our I.P. retention services email us at